FAQ for Bachelor Programs

Did you know?

FERRANDI has been awarded with the “Welcome to France” certification in recognition of the quality of its international student experience and actively participates in the Campus France network to offer the best possible welcome to all of its students.

Welcome to France

If you need any help regarding your arrival in France, you can access to LivinFrance services for free


How much are the tuition fees? 

The tuition fees depend on the program. Feel free to check the page of the program that you are interested in: 

As a student you will also have to purchase some materials for your classes. The list and prices will be given during the enrollment process. 

Are there integration days during the first week of the program? 

An integration day is organized at the start of the school year for most of our courses. 

Can I work in France during my studies? 

All foreign students have the right to work while studying in France. Students who are not European Union nationals must have a student resident permit in order to be allowed to work. 

French law allows foreign students to work up to 964 hours per year, or the equivalent of 60% of the maximum working hours permitted. 

When working in France a minimum wage is guaranteed by law. This statutory minimum wage is commonly called the Smic. As of January 1, 2021, this minimum wage is €10.25 per hour. This salary is gross; mandatory social security contributions have to be deducted (around 20%) to determine actual earnings (i.e. €8.20/hour). 

What are the holidays and the schedules? 

The course schedule and course syllabus will be provided later on. Classes run from Monday to Friday (never on weekends, with the exception of some special events). In some cases classes will begin earlier or end later, depending on the activities. 

National holidays, winter and spring break dates will be provided to admitted candidates later on.   

Is a scholarship available?

Only full-time training can benefit from national education grants under certain conditions. Apprentices can benefit from some assistance from the school or partner foundations. 

Our social worker can provide you with information depending on your situation. Contact by email at: assistantesocferrandi@ferrandi-paris.fr 


How do I apply to a Bachelor ? 

The registration procedures are indicated on each training page. We invite you to consult them on our website. 

Registrations generally open during the month of November for the Master of Science in Hospitality Management, the Bachelor in F&B and Hospitality Management and the Bachelor in Culinary Arts and Entrepreneurship. You must apply online on our website: https://www.ferrandi-paris.com/en/admissions 

How are students selected? 

Your academic background matters but your motivation is very important as well. Do not hesitate to attach to your file a letter of recommendation from a teacher or a manager with whom you did an internship. 

What kind of insurance will I need? 

For international students pursuing higher education in France, health coverage is mandatory. In addition, for foreign students coming from a country outside the European Union, it is a sine qua non-condition for obtaining their residence permit. 

If you are a foreign student, in the vast majority of cases you can benefit from French Social Security. It allows you to be covered by the health insurance plan for your medical expenses (medications, medical visits, hospitalization, etc.).  

To be affiliated, you must, among other things: 

  • be under 28 years old on October 1 of the current academic year 
  • be registered in an establishment approved by Social Security. 

Please note that the French Social Security will only cover approximately 70% of your medical costs. We would advise you to get private insurance to cover all the costs you can have. 

There are several complementary student insurance companies. Most of the students take out the SMENO social security: www.smeno.com or the LMDE social security: http://www.lmde.com/ The costs vary depending on the insurance company and the option chosen (From around €10/month). For example, incoming Classic health insurance (SMENO) covers: Medical expenses (hospital expenses covered, reimbursement of out-patient medical expenses, optical care), Assistance, Repatriation and civil liability. 

Make sure to check the Campus France website in order to get more information depending on your situation: https://www.campusfrance.org/fr/sante-securite-sociale-etudiants 

Can FERRANDI Paris help the students getting their visa? 

We can not do the process for you but we are here as a support for any questions you have or documents you require. 

For your information, FERRANDI Paris is a partner of LivinFrance - a support platform for international students. If you need any help regarding your arrival in France, your VISA, finding an appartment or opening a bank account, feel free to create your account on LivinFrance as a FERRANDI Paris student in order to access to this help freely: https://livin-france.com/ferrandi/register

Is there housing on campus? 

There is no boarding school at FERRANDI Paris. When you are admitted to the program, we will offer you accommodation solutions. 

Can we practice a sport on Campus? 

The Paris Campus has a sports hall and a weight room. Outdoor activities and swimming are enjoyed at the sports facilities near the school. 

The Saint-Gratien site has a gymnasium and sports equipment. 

Furthermore, the sports association allows you to access the school's sports infrastructure all year round and to practice regular sporting activity. 

Does FERRANDI Paris help its students to find internships? 

The school supports students in finding their host company thanks to its network of partner companies. Finding an internship, a work-study programme and then a job, at the end of your studies, are key moments in the construction of your professional project.    

The Career Center is at your side, from the moment you are admitted to the school, to work on your professional project and in your search for an internship, apprenticeship and job, in France and abroad: 

  • by advising you on the choice of companies according to your profile, your educational and professional background.  
  • by preparing you as well as possible in order to give you the maximum chance of being selected 
  • by accompanying you in case of difficulties during your training period in a company, in France or abroad 
  • by facilitating your entry into the job market thanks to the power of its network 

More information about the career center: https://www.ferrandi-paris.com/en/fe/careers-network/career-center-your-side-build-your-professional-project  


For your information, FERRANDI Paris is a partner of LivinFrance - a support platform for international students. If you need any help regarding your arrival in France, your VISA, finding an appartment or opening a bank account, feel free to create your account on LivinFrance as a FERRANDI Paris student in order to access to this help freely: 


 What is the visa? 

The visa is the highest level of recognition from the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. It gives the diploma its national value and is recognition of academic excellence and professional quality. 

Are FERRANDI Paris’s degrees recognized by the State? 

Following the publication of Official Bulletin No. 26 of July 20, 2017 of Higher Education and Research, FERRANDI Paris is authorized to issue the BACHELOR: CULINARY ARTS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP (cooking or pastry option) and BACHELOR IN F&B AND HOTEL MANAGEMENT WHICH ARE FROM THIS DATE OF THE diplomas approved by the Minister responsible for Higher Education. 

Bachelors are also registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP). 

 How does it compare to the RNCP? 

Issued by the State according to criteria established by the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Vocational Training and Social Dialogue, the RNCP is the first level of recognition of a diploma: it certifies that it delivers a serious training for the professions advertised. 

The visa gives the right, in fact, to registration in the RNCP (National Directory of Professional Certifications). 

How is a targeted diploma a plus for me as a student? 

The diploma “targeted” by the State allows access to the LMD cycle (License, Master, Doctorate), whether in France or abroad and to apply for the best national and international