Associative life

A BDE, open to all!

Participating in the school's community life is almost a must for a successful course and a fulfilling education.

FERRANDI Paris vie de l'école



The BDE animates student life at FERRANDI Paris with the aim of :

  • to promote the mix of the classes and cohesion,
  • to integrate newcomers
  • and to carry out joint projects.

Its main mission is to make the years at FERRANDI unforgettable!



Among the actions of the BDE

  • Meetings with professionals in the sector
  • Setting up culinary competitions

BDE FERRANDI Paris, rencontre avec des professionnels du secteur

  • Organisation of parties and afterwork events
  • Search for partnerships

BDE FERRANDI Paris, soirées et afterwork

  • Organisation of humanitarian events
  • Maintenance of the school garden...

BDE FERRANDI Paris, actions humanitaires