Limiting greenhouse gases and promoting inclusion

FERRANDI Paris is committed to a CSR approach with the aim of limiting greenhouse gases and promoting inclusion. 

Improving the living environment 

FERRANDI Paris is committed to improving the living environment of its students, which is why it regularly makes improvements to its premises, including the greening of the inner courtyard on the Paris campus, the presence of a vegetable garden on the Saint Gratien campus and an aromatic herb garden in Paris, and the development of living spaces reserved exclusively for students.

Le potager sur le campus Saint-Gratien (à gauche) et le jardin d'herbes aromatiques sur le campus de Paris


The generalization of eco-gestures


Selective sorting is in place on all our campuses, whether in technical laboratories, commissaries, classrooms or offices.

Food waste is composted and donations are made daily to social associations.  Internal podcasts are also produced on subjects such as locavorism, flexitarianism, benevolent management, etc.


Tri des déchets - FERRANDI Paris

Integration of CSR in all training courses 

All students, who are the future professionals of the sector, are made aware of CSR, regardless of the course they follow, through the implementation of dedicated modules.
In order to fully involve them in the CSR approach and to make them actors, eco-delegates are appointed in each class

Etudiants FERRANDI Paris, campus de Saint-Gratien en salle de cours

Measures to promote inclusion 

Every student who joins our school can benefit from support in finding accommodation, access to grants and the very large number of apprenticeships offered

A disability charter and a medico-social prevention plan have been put in place to guarantee access to all the training provided and the well-being of our students.