2nd edition of the conference "greenifying one's menu", The New Practices of Committed Catering at FERRANDI Paris

15 May 2023

This Monday on May 15, 2023, FERRANDI Paris collaborated with the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle - Enseignement/Formation and had the pleasure of organising its second symposium on committed catering, focusing on the 'greenifying' of menus.

During this day's program, lively and enriching discussions took place around the awareness of green foods, the levers of co-creation of vegetal cuisine, as well as the plant in all its states. These conversations highlighted the importance of greenifying menus for the food transition.

We would like to warmly thank all the speakers and participants for their presence and their contribution to this conference as well as Ophélie MUGEL, teacher researcher in Marketing and Consumer Behavior at FERRANDI Paris, for the organization of this event.

Thanks also to Chloé Charles, a committed chef and FERRANDI Paris alumnus, for her vegetal buffet that delighted our taste buds!