Culinary dictionnary

Essential culinary vocabulary for future professionals and keen cooks

Ever faithful to its mission of passing on knowledge, FERRANDI Paris launches its culinary dictionary as a complement to its Grand Cours de Cuisine

Do you know what a russe is? an abat-faim? a buisson?… Utensils, cuts of meat, cooking methods, actions and reactions: you will find all the essential culinary vocabulary in this slow-cooked culinary dictionary.

he first edition of FERRANDI’s Grand Cours de Cuisine was published in October 2014. The reference book, which has met with great success, reflects the school’s approach to teaching and emphasises the precision of gestures and the acquisition of skills using detailed step-by-step descriptions and recipes presented with three levels of difficulty.

Culinary dictionnary FERRANDI Paris - Hachette


But if the gestures used in cooking and pastry-making must be precise, so must the accompanying vocabulary. They are inseparable. You cannot theorise a practical activity without having the right words. Gastronomy has its own technical language. You must master this language to become an accomplished, and well-understood, chef or pastry-cook!

Utensils, cuts of meat, cooking methods, actions and reactions: you will find all the essential culinary vocabulary in this slow-cooked culinary dictionary.

But don’t worry. If the term “dictionary” suggests a certain austerity, it is nevertheless a way of discovering terms that are often amusing, sometimes surprising, and you will soon find yourself reading page after page, definition after definition, just like a story.
France, originator of much gastronomic theory, has spread culinary vocabulary throughout the world’s kitchens. On this basis, we could practically say that French is spoken most often in kitchens and cake shops all over the planet…Get your fill of these delectable words.


Date of publication : november 2015
Price : 19,90€
Number of pages : 334
Available languages : Corean, French


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